ReBirth! : A 90-Day New Vision & Strategy Mastermind

Your Incubator for Business As ‘Unusual’ in a Post-COVID World

on Zoom & Private FB Group

First 3 Tuesdays per month, July 6 – October 4, 2021

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. PST 

Month 1: Initiation : Clearing the path & letting go of of what’s not true/not working
Month 2: Visioning & Strategy: Claiming your new vision and purpose developing a strategy and action steps for the next 6-12 months
Month 3: Implementation : Committing to action steps, receiving coaching, and course-correcting


A respectful bow and 21st century upgrade to the classic book on adapting to change, “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson

If you are like me whose eyes and ears have gotten a little droopy from seeing and hearing the phrases “unprecedented times”, “new normal”, and “we are in this together” … you are not alone.  Even “business as unusual” is now overused to describe the sweeping, devastating and bewildering changes across small businesses, corporations, NGOs and other organizations large or small… and within our own families and communities too. And yet, deep down, we know that there is a reason these words are swirling about in our vernacular these days.  

Life will never be the same in the post-COVID and post-racial world. Inevitably, the false masks are being removed, revealing the true face of the state of affairs. At the point of no return, we are unmasking the lies, betrayals and injustices (i.e. what’s not working) underneath the veneer of a well-oiled machine that is post-colonial, patriarchal free-market capitalism. 

We are learning to reclaim what’s true and essential and recommit to life-affirming values and practices. We are learning to swim in a sea of uncertainty while also being open to a new horizon of possibilities.  Change—at all levels—is occurring at speeds that we can barely keep up with. 

No doubt, this has been the 21st century version of “Who Moved My Cheese?”


I am opening up a mastermind and coaching series around the questions, “What the heck just happened?” and “What now?” and “Where are we going?”

I am opening space for and invite professionals, executives, founders, entrepreneurs, coaches, changemakers, healers, visionaries, wayshowers, faith- and wisdom-keepers, lightworkers, and really—any leader who gives a hoot—to deep dive into:

  • where these 2020-2021 waves have taken you;
  • how it has really affected you, and
  • how you can re-purpose and re-birth a new vision and direction for your life and business that is more aligned with your authentic self and purpose now

Bring your business and life-related burning questions, daunting challenges, torn-in-two inner (or outer) conflicts, what feels hard and beautiful at the same time… and yes, even and especially those truths, questions, ponderings and whispers that you can barely admit to yourself.  The coaching you receive will be both refreshingly practical and deeply transformational. 


• 90-Day Transformation Period
• Intimate 6-8 members
• Six (6) 90-Minute Group Calls (& Recordings) per month (3 per month):
   1 teaching/Q&A
   1 Mastermind
   1 Work Sprint 
• Private FB Group for Discussion & Community Connection
• Three (3) 45-Minute 1:1 Coaching Calls (1 per month)

What You Will Gain

Safe, sacred and supportive space to move past stuckness, confusion, “lostness”, “not knowing”, lack of clarity, possibly unrecognized grief
Draw on the challenging parts of your personal story (hero[ine]’s journey) to alchemize their gifts and breathe new life into your work
(Re)birth your authentic self and claim a new vision for your life and business or leadership career
• Crystal clear strategy & action steps that you can courageously implement with an abundance of support from your coach and fellow colleagues


The Investment & Gift to Yourself

$500 USD / CAD per month x 3 months ($1500 total) 
All Zoom calls, recordings & FB group interaction + 1 email coaching session per month


You are not alone!

These have been trying times, to say the least.  It has taken guts and grit to keep going. I know there have been blood, sweat, tears and fears, and prayers you didn’t know were in you. I want you know that I have been affected. I have been painfully aware and swimming alongside you, and that I have been listening.  And I am ready to be here for you so you don’t have to go through this alone.

Much love and many blessings,

Rosalyn C. RainDancer

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